End of the World New Product Development Team: Brexit
Brexit is here with a no-deal knuckle duster ready to split your family in two, destroy your business and increase standard queuing times for everything from butter to the barbers across the UK by 600%. But fear not, the NPD team has been sweating hot new ideas like an august holidaymaker in a Spanish Beach port-a-loo and has ideated some cracking new products to help you get through the worst of it.
Lorry BnB
Whether you love motor-side breaks or are stuck in a 6-mile tailback at port entry points, these lorry-come-luxury double bedrooms are perfect. Just kick back, unwind and enjoy 5 days of your 7 day holiday in the back of an articulated lorry while waiting to cross the channel.
Morrisey’s Non-EU Authentic Italian Sauce
Move over Lloyd Grossman. Morrissey is here to save the day with this delicious ragu made in Wrexham. Flavour profiles are in abundance thanks to EU-breaking standards of salt, and no unpatriotic foreign non-English produce have been used in this authentic-tasting tasty sauce. Take that EU!
IKEA Flat Pack European Panic Room
Need somewhere safe but accessible to hide from marauding anti-European Brexiters? This fetching, easy to assemble panic room comes complete with bulletproof glass and enough room for up to 5 people to lie in the foetal position on the floor. Fits perfectly at the bottom of an English garden.